Here is part A of figure 1 from the paper illustrating major differences in gene numbers between D. pulex and other animal genomes.

Now, let's consider humans and their environment. In particular, I'd like to offer the example of diet, for most this is high in fat and sugar, and the important blood lipid of HDL-cholesterol, so-called "good cholesterol." Regular readers of this blog know that our research expends a good deal of effort in describing gene-environment interactions (GxEs). This is a situation where one allele of a genetic variant like a SNP associates with disease risk only when a given environmental factor passes a certain threshold. We have compiled a series of these GxEs for phenotypes pertinent to metabolic syndrome - phenotypes such as body weight, BMI, blood lipids, blood pressure, glucose and insulin levels, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes risk. Those data are available here. If you mine those data, you'll notice that by far there are more GxEs reported in the literature for HDL-cholesterol than any other commonly measured phenotype.
Thus, it seems to me that the water flea has a lot of very similar genes, mostly in paralogous pairs to cope with slight changes in its environment. Humans do not. Eating a sub-optimal diet will likely drive HDL levels down (unhealthy). There are also age-related, natural declines in HDL. At the same time, there are a number of variants in our genomes that show an environmental sensitivity with respect to HDL - there are many ways to activate a program of increased risk (by lowering HDL levels). And similar cases can be presented for LDL, triglycerides, total cholesterol, blood pressure, waist circumference, body weight, etc. So, while it may take years of indulging in a sub-optimal diet before an adverse event such as diabetes of atherosclerosis is diagnosed, perhaps our (relatively) small number of genes, each with a collection of variants, that sets us up for sensitivity to what we put in our mouths. If we can't eat right, then perhaps more genes would be the answer to a better defense against a poor diet.
Great site.....well organized...! I have told several people about it and they liked it too. Keep up the good work. What is HDL Cholesterol